The best dishes always start with the best ingredients. The best products always start with the best materials. And the best automatic doors always start with the very best of everything. That’s why, at ADA, we’ve upgraded to a brand new fleet of 4-wheel drive service vehicles. Here’s how our new fleet is taking the customer experience to the next level:     

Faster Service

If your doors are stuck open in the middle of a winter storm, you can’t live with that problem until the weather clears. You need to handle it right now. Our new fleet of service vehicles are specifically designed to power through the messiest weather conditions to service your doors when you need it the most. 

Larger Service Area

Not all businesses are conveniently located in flat cities, surrounded by well-maintained asphalt roads and easy access to interstates. If your facility is in a rural area, it could create logistical challenges for some vendors, especially when the weather is bad. But thanks to our new 4-wheel fleet, those hard-to-reach locations are no longer hard to reach, which means we can serve more locations than ever before. 

Minimal Disruption

When you’re upgrading your doors and access systems, you’re still trying to run your business as usual. So, you can’t have a bunch of oversized vehicles blocking your driveway, clogging things up, and disrupting the normal flow of traffic. Not to worry—our new vehicles fit into normal-sized parking spots and garages. That means, when ADA is on the job, there’s less chaos and minimal disruption to your business.      

A Commitment to Safety

At ADA, safety is a way of life. So, our new fleet of vehicles is equipped with every safety feature in mind. You can read more about our commitment to safety HERE. But the gist is, we’ve always believed that the way you do anything is the way you do everything, and you can see our commitment to safety in every phase of the game. That means safer techs and a safer job site.   

More Reliability

When you’re dealing with an older fleet, you’re dealing with interruptions behind the scenes. You’re taking the trucks in for service. You’re breaking down. And you’re running into delays while your trucks are in the shop. But our new fleet of vehicles makes an already reliable team even more so. 

More Efficiency

We didn’t just upgrade our service vehicles, we also upgraded our routing and logistics department by migrating to the new, state-of-the-art, ExpandIT Field Service software. That makes real-time communication between our office, our techs, and our clients not only possible, but completely seamless. So, our service vehicles and technicians are always headed to the right place, at the right time, with the right tools and information. And they’re getting there faster than ever before. 

A Better Customer Experience

As you already know, every little detail works together to create the overall customer experience. At ADA, we strive for the best customer service in the industry, and with faster, more powerful, more reliable vehicles that will get us wherever you need us to go, that service is enhanced. So, reach out to ADA today, knowing that even when the weather is at its worst, we’re at our very best.