At ADA, we always try to make life just a little bit easier—for humans, of course, but also for our furry, four-legged friends. As a team full of animal lovers (especially of the feline variety), each year we jump at the opportunity to give something back by partnering up with our friends at Johnson County Community Cats (JCCC). June is Adopt-a-Cat Month, and we’re hoping to make the adoption process a bit easier by sponsoring all spays and neuters through JCCC, all month long.

As Bob Barker Said…

“Have your pets spayed or neutered!” 

Adopt-a-Cat Month happens every June for an important reason—this also coincides with what American Humane calls “kitten season,” when most litters of kittens are born. Too many of these litters are either born into homes that don’t want them or to stray cats, which ends up increasing the number of stray cats out on the streets. 

A large stray cat population can be a really big problem. But most people don’t realize how far-reaching the situation actually is. Domestic and stray cats may be small and cuddly, but they’re still predators—and very good ones. Left unchecked, they can devastate local wildlife and have even been blamed for the extinction of dozens of species. Left to breed and multiply, you can see how this situation can get out of hand fast. 

Through the actions of concerned citizens, many of these stray cats and kittens end up in animal shelters, but that just poses another problem. Most shelters around the country already struggle to keep up with the number of animals that come through their doors—lots more come in than are adopted out. Shelters often don’t have the resources to care adequately for the animals, which means many of them end up being euthanized. It’s a sad situation, and one that could be helped drastically if more pet-owners had their animals spayed and neutered.

Johnson County Community Cats

Johnson County Community Cats is an incredible non-profit organization and Trap-Neuter-Return program in Johnson County, Indiana that traps and neuters/spays feral cats and then returns them to their previous outdoor homes (learn more about Trap-Neuter-Return programs here). In doing so, they help manage the stray cat population, minimize cat suffering, and reduce the number of cats who are eventually euthanized. In addition, they also offer low-cost or free spay/neuters for cat owners and adopt out many of the cats they rescue.

They’re doing the cat community an incredible kindness, but they can’t do it alone. An organization like this needs a lot of funding to make it all happen, and any little bit of support goes a long way. ADA is proud to sponsor the spaying and neutering of cats with JCCC all month long, so if you’ve been thinking about adopting a cat of your own, now’s the time to do it!

How You Can Help

You can help stray cats in so many different ways! Here are just a few:

  • Donate Money – JCCC is fully run by volunteers, but there are still so many expenses to cover. Feeding the cats in their care and giving them the medical attention they need costs a lot of money, and they rely on support from the community to keep them going. If you have the extra cash to spare, consider donating to JCCC here
  • Donate Materials – JCCC, and many organizations just like it, post a wishlist of items they need. For example, donations of cat food, cat toys, litter, water bowls, and pet carriers are always welcome. Click here to view JCCC’s wishlist. 
  • Volunteer – Do you have some spare time on your hands? Want to spend quality time giving love and support to some cats who could really use it? JCCC is 100% volunteer-run and is always looking for more helping hands. Click here for their volunteer application.
  • Foster – Fostering a cat can be wonderfully life-changing—for you and for the animal. JCCC is 100% foster-based, which means the more foster homes they can find, the more cats they can rescue from the streets and prepare for loving forever homes. If you’re interested in becoming a foster for JCCC, click here for more info.

Adopt, Don’t Shop

Owning a pet has so many benefits. Not only do you get a wonderful furry companion to spend time with, you might even experience health benefits, like lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of a heart attack. And while you could go to a breeder for your pet, there are so many reasons to check out the shelters first:            

  • You’ll Save a Life – As we mentioned above, most shelters struggle to keep up with all of the animals that come through their doors, which means too many of them end up getting euthanized. By adopting a cat, you immediately save a life. Possibly even more than one, because by taking that cat home, you free up room in the system for another animal to get a second chance.
  • You’ll Save Money – Shelters try to remove as much friction to adoption as they can. Many shelters (like JCCC) either pay for the spaying and neutering, or offer it at a greatly reduced price. Similarly, many shelters will also include shots in the adoption process. Not to mention, the adoption fee (if there is one) is always going to be much lower than buying a pure-bred animal. Adopting a pet from a shelter will typically save you thousands of dollars that you would’ve otherwise spent with a breeder. 
  • You’ll Save Frustration – Because many shelters rely on volunteers and foster families to help take care of their animals, they tend to really get to know the animals in a way breeders just don’t. They’ll be able to give you all sorts of information on the pet’s needs, quirks, and personality. That way you can find a cat who suits you and your situation perfectly and make sure you really click with each other. 

    Any month is a great month to adopt a cat, but none so perfect as Adopt-a-Cat Month in June. If you’ve been thinking about finding a furry companion for your family, we highly recommend starting with Johnson County Community Cats. Especially since we’ll cover the cost of spaying or neutering this month! Check out their adoptable cats and kittens here. We hope your new feline family member brings you as much joy as ours do.